I believe the answer you are looking for is "Cytoskeleton".
Needs more info to answer question
La importancia de la ADN en la celula es que la ADN contiene las instrucciones para construir las proteinas del ADN.
La ADN tambien se puede replicar y hacer copias de ella misma en cual esto es importante porque las celulas se dividen y necesitaran una copia del ADN original para poder crear mas celulas.
Some traits would be increased endurance, speed, strength, etc
this would increase the chances of the horse winning races and winning the bets placed on them
After mining, to reclaim the land, the depression is filled with rocks then the top is filled with loosely graded soil. Introduction of early succession plants is important before big trees can grow. The early succession plants help in the breaking down of the rocks into soil hence making the topsoil deeper to support trees.