The new cells are the same as the previous ones, since they are the result of the mitosis process.
When we cut our skin, our brain sends information to millions of cells to take action and prevent this cut from putting us in danger. At that moment, the blood cells begin their work, supplying enough oxygen to stop possible bleeding and start the healing process. Then another group of cells swap out possible bacteria that may be trying to get into the wound. Last but not least, skin cells enter cell division and undergo mitosis, to generate new cells and create a new skin layer.
New cells are the same as old cells, as they are the result of mitosis. Mitosis is the process of cell division where one cell gives rise to two cells exactly the same as it.
Relative dating is used to determine a fossils approximate age by comparing it to similar rocks and fossils of known ages. Absolute dating is used to determine a precise age of a fossil by using radiometric dating to measure the decay of isotopes, either within the fossil or more often the rocks associated with it.
Aerobic exercise is the body producing energy WITH the use of oxygen (light activities like jogging). Anaerobic exercise produce energy without the use of oxygen and is typically a higher intensity that burns fat AND helps gain lean muscle mass (these are activities like weight lifting).
b. A Wood's light examination
A wood lamp examination is a test that uses ultraviolet light to examined a skin infected with bacteria or fungal infection.