Many people disapproved of their religion, they were persecuted and the were forced to move on
Oh, I love Fahrenheit 451! I always thought that having the last name Montag was so weird :) Anyway, so after Montag begins to lose faith in the utopian society that legalized complete book burning, he begins wandering the street at nighttime so that he can think about what he wants to do. While wandering, a car full of teenagers comes along. And what do they try to do? Why, they try to run him over. By including this in the novel, Bradbury shows just how amoral and corrupt society had gotten. Clarisse talks about this corruption earlier in the novel, when she speaks about how children try to run pedestrians over, simply for the fun of it. Corruption is at the very core of Bradbury's society, and affects both children and adults. <span />
would work for low wages.
Buddhism is a religion and dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on original teachings attributed to the Buddha and resulting interpreted philosophies.
Assuming you’ve been taught on this, just formulate something from that and other info you have.