That means it's offered for sale at a very very very very good price.
The price may be so good because the owner doesn't know what it's actually worth,
or because they're having a super-duper temporary sale, or because it's something
you personally need very badly so it's worth a lot more to you personally.
In any case, it's called a 'steal', because when something is stolen, the stealer
gets what he wants for a very very very low price, and this is just like that.
Im confused what are you talking about?
Very easy
Sarah is a women who lives in Manchester. She is teacher in a primary school. She teaches.......... (blurred not cleared sentence ) She usually wakes up at 6 o'clock and like have to like drink coffee because it gives her headache. She drove her car to work .....( not cleared ). In her free time she likes to do many things on Wednesday she meets her friends and they .... movie and eat popcorn on Friday. She likes to go gym and do aerobics at the weekends. She usually buys a lot of things but She don't likes to spend a lot of money on Sunday evening. She .... and relaxes in front of television
Theme of Outcasts in these chapters are primarily said about those persons, who have not accepted Christianity or resisted it. They were mainly Buddhists and also other religions.
Point 1. Missionaries upon arriving at the village, asks for a piece of land to construct a Church.
No.2. After the inauguration of the church, priests tries to establish them as preachers and caring.
No.3. Within a few days, the villagers tries to establish their thoughts that some other day, their ancestor's spirit would teach the missionaries a lesson.
No.4. Okonkwo had some doubt in accepting Christianity, since he considered his native religion as effective and helping. The church tries their best to spring in various.
"Candide" is a book that was written by Voltaire and in this book, Voltaire is satirizing society’s emphasis on lineage when he explained about Candide's mother not marrying his father because his father could "only prove seventy-one quarterings" and this refers to his family tree.