1.Plasma membrane
The plasma membrane surrounds the cell to create a barrier between the cytosol and the extracellular matrix. Plasma membranes also enclose lumens of some cellular organelles.
2.Endoplasmic reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large network of membranes responsible for the production of proteins, metabolism and transportation of lipids, and detoxification of poisons. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum with separate functions: smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The presence or absence of ribosomes in the ER’s plasma membrane determines whether it is classified as smooth or rough ER.
3.Golgi apparatus
The Golgi apparatus appears as a series of flattened, membranous sacs, or cisternae, that resemble a stack of pancakes just off the rough endoplasmic reticulum. It receives vesicles containing proteins recently produced by the rER. The Golgi apparatus can be compared to a warehouse or post office for newly formed proteins. Here the proteins are further modified, packaged, and sent off to their final destinations in the cell or body.
<span>The common difference between the three organisms
is the area in which they specifically live or stay in the ocean. Planktons can’t
be seen by the naked eye and they require microscopes to be detected. Planktons
usually float in the water and they cannot move on their own that’s why they
are dependent in the movement of the water.
Nektons are organisms that swim through the water and they live in different
depths in the ocean ecosystem. Nektons are composed of fish and other mammals
that propel themselves through the water.
Benthos are organisms that live in the ocean floor and many of these organisms
stay in one place by attaching themselves to rocks. This adaptation protects
them from crashing waves and drastic water movements. Other benthos are known
to burrow in the ocean floor either for food or protection.</span>
C) protein possesses a signal for localization within the Golgi apparatus.
Protein targeting or sorting is a process by which synthesized proteins are transported to their appropriate localizations in the cell or outside it. Proteins can be targeted to the inner space of an organelle (such as Golgi apparatus or endoplasmic reticulum) or its membrane, plasma membrane, or to exterior of the cell via secretion.
Usually, protein contains signal sequence on the N terminus that is involved in destination targeting.
DNA<span> is transcribed into RNA, 1 base of </span>DNA<span> corresponds to 1 base of RNA, this 1 to 1 relation is not used in the translation to </span>protein<span>. During this translation, 1 amino acid is added to the </span>protein strand for every 3 bases in the RNA so b<span>efore double stranded </span>DNA<span> is turned into </span>protein<span> it first goes through a process called transcription. </span>