<span>Voici la reponse: Je viens du Senegal mais j'habite en Guinee.
"Here is the answer: I come from Senegal, but I live in Guinea."
Quelle est la question? - "What is the question?"
The options are as follows.
a. De quel des pays viens-tu? - "Which country do you come from?"
b. D'ou viens ton frere? - This sentence is grammatically incorrect. It uses the verb viens for the subject ton frère; the correct conjugation for this subject is vient.
c. De quel pays viens-tu? - "What country do you come from?"
d. Par quel pays passes-tu? - "Which country do you pass through?"
Given the answer above, the most correct option for the question asked is option c.
</span>c. De quel pays viens-tu?
Hope this helps :D
Je <u>fais</u> un gâteau.
I'm making a cake.
Je <u>fais</u> mes devoirs.
I'm doing my homework.
Tu<u> fais</u> du sport?
Do you exercise?
Tu <u>fais</u> quoi?
What are you doing?
Vous<u> faites</u> quoi?
What are you doing?
The last paragraph says, In my city we have private transport as well as buses and taxis, but we don't have a metro ...
Compared to Belgium, ...
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