Fur color that closely matches the eucalyptus bark color
In terms of evolving from land dwellers to tree dwellers, the number of offspring does not matter. Although the ability to run faster is a good evolution for escaping predators, it does not help the koalas evolve to be better tree dwellers (how would you run using only the trees?). Communicating with their peers would be convenient for survival, but it does not help koalas become better tree dwellers. What does help koalas survive better by traveling through the trees is camouflaging with the bark of the tree to hide from predators.
Answer: Ecosystem Services
Explanation: Simply put,Ecosystem services refer to all the benefits that man enjoys from his relationship with the ecosystem.Ecosystem services are the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems. Ecosystem services are indispensable to the wellbeing of all people, everywhere in the world. They include provision,regulation and cultural services that directly affect people, and supporting services needed to maintain the other services. From the availability of adequate food and water, to disease regulation of vectors, pests, and pathogens, human health and well-being depends on these services and conditions from the natural environment.
We depend on nature for our survival – without healthy ecosystems, our drinking water isn’t clean nor is the air we breathe. Studies also show that people who spend time in nature tend to be happier than those that don’t. Being outdoor can even act as a natural anti-depressant. With industry and urban sprawl expanding at unprecedented rates, Ecosystem Services attempt to translate the benefits we receive from nature into economic terms so we can better understand the compromise we are making between nature and industrial development.
<span>The three elements of emotions are:
1.Behavior which reveals the feeling to the outside world
2. Inner awareness of feeling
3. Physical arousal
</span><span>The cognitive dissonance for the exhibited behavior is not an element of emotions. </span>