Durante la etapa agroexportadora la cantidad de vías de ferrocarril aumentó.
Durante la etapa agroexportadora hubo un considerable aumento en el número de vías de ferrocarril que permitió que los diferentes productos provenientes del campo llegarán al puerto para ser exportados. El tren disminuyó los costos y el tiempo de traslado de las mercaderías favoreciendo así a la economía ya que se abarataron los costos, más productores pudieron exportar su materia prima y más productos pudieron ingresar a diferentes partes del país de forma más eficaz beneficiando al crecimiento económico y social.
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The rotating loops of currents that occur in the ocean are referred to as gyres.
In official Chinese histories, the Yuan dynasty bore the Mandate of Heaven. The dynasty was established by Kublai Khan, yet he placed his grandfather Genghis Khan on the imperial records as the official founder of the dynasty and accorded him the temple name Taizu.
Uptill 1900's Wales used to depend on major industries such as heavy industry, mining and activities on port of Cardiff. It was the Royal Mint that led to the development of service based finance industry in 1968. As such there were majorly three main industries : manufacturing, Financial Services and education industry and then by health and social service and wholesale and retail trade that helped the economy of wales in improving.