E. Invest in mutual funds.
Individual investors tend to have relatively small portfolios and are usually unable to realize economies of size. The best strategy is to pool funds with other small investors and allow professional managers to invest the funds. Here, a fund manager is hired to invest the cash the investors have contributed, and the fund manager's goal depends on the type of fund; a fixed-income fund manager, for example, would strive to provide the highest yield at the lowest risk.
We should discontinue Product B
We should check if Product B generates a contribution or not:
We subtract from the sales revenues the variable cost:
revenue 39,500
variable cost of goods sold (25,500)
variable selling expenses <u> (16,500) </u>
Contribution (2,500)
<em>As the contribution is negative, we should discontinue </em>Product B as is less expensevely to stop production than continue.
the amount of money that has to be paid to acquire a given product.
<em>I hope this helps! ^^</em>
Answer: The quality and design of calculators improved dramatically from 2014 to 2016.
A new, safe method of memory enhancement became available for purchase.
As the price of textbooks increased, more and more students turned to the used-book market or chose not to buy textbooks at all, instead using the copies on reserve in the library.
Explanation: If textbook price increases , it might overstate the inflation in cost of going to college.
A new safe memory enhancement will be costly because of it's superior quality and technological progress.
Similarly , new calculator will also be improved and superior.
<em><u>Thus, the survey will reflect higher prices,</u></em>