During the Industrial Revolution, many inventions were invented that enabled greater, faster and more extensive production. At the same time, capitalism is developing. Capitalism implies the realization of profits made by faster and more efficient production. Faster and more efficient production is achieved, among other things, and through the use of all inventions of the industrial revolution. In addition, higher profits are generated by cheap labor, cheap raw materials. Inexpensive workforce and raw materials involve cutting costs of investment in production as much as possible. To achieve this, it is moving with dominance over other regions and underdeveloped countries, where there are small incomes, where there are abundant natural resources that can be exploited. Powerful and developed countries with developed industries always have an interest and are motivated to dominate the underdeveloped. That's what we are witnessing today as well.
Answer: bows and arrow =men
making clothes =women
driving and unloading cart =women
taking care of horses = men
the Mongolian men were known for the war so use these for the men they had to keep there horses strong for battle and for hunting the women had to supply them
Bring about American detente with the Soviet Union and China.
During Richard Nixon's presidency term, the United States' relation with china ad Soviet Russia improved significantly. In that decade no other President has traveled to China as a goodwill ambassador. Richard Nixon participated in the SALT (strategic arms limitations talks) agreement with the leaders of the Soviet Union. On May 26, 1972, an Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was signed between him and Leonid Brezhnev (Soviet leader). The U.S. and Soviet Union for the first time determined to restrict their nuclear arsenals.
Diffrent places they had to go or diffrent pubs