Let us do it by converting the 0.4 to a fraction, it has one decimal, so we'll use one zero at the denominator.
and 9.21 to a fraction as well, two decimals, thus two zeros at the denominator then,
First take the amount of drinks and popcorn needed then multiply the amount by the price then see if she has enough money when you finish the multiplying.
Step-by-step explanation:
Skubic Family-
22.75 = 5.25 + 7x
17.5 = 7x
2.5 = x
Therefore the cost for each person is equal to $2.5
Shaw Family-
2.5(3) + 5.25
7.5 + 5.25 = $12.75
First, we subtract 20% of the amount from x, so the initial cost of the furniture should be 80% of x or 0.80x. Then, due to the sales taxs, this amount should be added with 6.25% of itself. Such that,
A = 0.80x + 0.0625(0.80x)
= 0.85x