<span><span>Suthern, General American, and New egland</span></span>
This question is about "She Unnames Them" by Ursula Le Guin.
Because it shows Eve's separation from the whole concept created by Adam for the world they live in.
"She Unnames Them" is a short story where Eve renounces the world established by Adam and undoes the name of all the animals, which were created by him. Eve does this, because she feels that the names given to the animals define them after Adam and not after them. In addition, she believes that it creates divisions, relationships of inequality and loss of identity and she feels that such a world is unfair and harmful, for this reason, she decides to show her resignation by returning the name Adam gave her, leaving her the alone and going to live in the world that she "unnames," where there is no classification, nor control.
you don't have any answer choices
1. Verbs in the Present Simple: used for repeated actions, thoughts, feelings and states.
They never<em> eat</em> carrots.
How often <em>do</em> you <em>go</em> to the cinema<em> ? (Do </em>is the<em> auxiliary verb </em>for this question)
They<em> don't like </em>potatoes. (<em>Don't</em> is the contracted form for <em>Do no</em>t)
2. Verbs in the Present Continuous: used to say somebody is in the middle of an action)
What <em>are</em> you<em> doing</em> now ? (verb to<em> be</em> +<em> verb</em> +<em> ing</em>)