Answer: The General wouldn't have realized he was the Drummer boy, he would have played the drum slowly and the soldiers would have lost the war.
Explanation: When the General heard the drum he realized that the boy was "the heart of the army". He told the boy that if he played his drum rapidly, the soldiers would feel less pain and be braver, because the sound would be like "their armor". If the General hadn't stopped to talk to him that night, the boy would have played slowly, he was scared and demotivated, and the battle would have been lost.
It is a story about varied perceptions due to pre conceieved assumed perceptions
I was going with a formerly blind friend of mine, who had just undergone an eye surgery & had got his eyes visibility back.
He was very excited for seeing nature, colors, other ambience for the very first time around him. So, excitedly he was saying that all the things looked so beautiful & mesmerising. I was also very happy in his happiness.
A person near us misunderstood unusual excitement of my friend, & suggested me to get him to a good psychologist, to 'normalise' his behaviour. Then I mentioned him the reason of my friend's excitement.
So, it shows our completely happy perspective about such a big physical & emotional happiness in our life. Which made someone's pre conceived notions to assume a completely different perspective (prior to my clarification).
A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by coordinator the coordinators as as followed: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so,
A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as Because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as That, who, or which.
A. Increased demand
James Bessen says:
<em>It turns out that workers will have greater employment opportunities if their occupation undergoes some degree of computer automation. </em>
Despite many people fearing that the machines will take over jobs performed by workers and increase unemployment, Bessen thinks that that automation will cause increased demand.
avoid surrounding overly emotional