he Supreme Court only rules on cases which have already been litigated, and does not hear witnesses or view evidence.
The internation court of justice was at Peace Palace.
The Stamp Act (1765) - Tax on stamps in the colonies, meaning you had to pay a tax every time you wanted to mail something
Quartering Act (1765) - Forced Americans to feed and house British soldiers when needed
Townsend Acts (1767) - Series of various taxes imposed on colonies
Boston Massacre (1770) - Angry mob of colonists harass British soldiers in Boston, soldiers get mad and fire into the crowd. Five people are killed.
Tea Act (1773) - Gave the British East India Company a monopoly on tea in the colonies, allowing the company to raise prices as high as they wanted.
Intolerable Acts (1774) - A series of acts in response to the Boston Tea Party that included closing Boston's port, allowing British soldiers to be tried in England rather than America, and a new and improved Quartering Act.