Shah Reza Pahlavi was a brutal dictator, but his departure did not mean Iran was more free. The Shah was pro-west, and would brutally crack down on any dissent. He was replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini, who helped to install a religous dictatorship in Iran. Everything that the Shah had stood for --- including the western world --- was now seen with open contempt by the government.
Islam, Judaism and Christianity all believe in an after life, and they all have a holy book.
- Leader of the rough riders
- Used the term "big break"
-Square deal
-Big stick diplomacy
Dr.Livingston is a doctor or a archaeologists that ether helps people or does research around the world.
Can i be the brainliest
The United States and all other countries should intervene in international conflicts when there are uprising and threats to world peace. The questions “why, when and how” should be done to decide when an intervention is necessary.
The consequences of the last US intervention created resentment, the threat of terror resulted in costly interventions, causing the spent of billion of dollars internally and externally defending and protecting other nations.
There was an increase of wiretapping, surveillance of civilians, intrusive body searches at security points., this turned the US into a national security state.