A bank savings account is one simplest type of bank account. It allows you to keep your money safely while earning through interest per month. Money in a savings account is useful for emergencies since they are insured. You also get a card which enables you to withdraw or deposit money into your account. Parent's usually take this type of account for their children for future purposes.
Ans. The effective annual interest rate charged on the loan is 12.99% effective annually. (Please see the attached excel spread sheet)
Hi, attached is the amortization table that I made for this case. Notice that there is a yellow and green cell, the yellow one is the result of using the "IRR" function of MS Excel which provides an effective monthly rate, since the payments are made every month, then we have to transform that monthly effective rate into an effective annual rate, this is the formula to use.
![EffectiveAnnual=(1+EffectiveMonthly)^{\frac{1}{12} } -1](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=EffectiveAnnual%3D%281%2BEffectiveMonthly%29%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7B12%7D%20%7D%20-1)
That is:
![EffectiveAnnual=(1+0.012267477)^{\frac{1}{12} } -1=0.12986448](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=EffectiveAnnual%3D%281%2B0.012267477%29%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7B12%7D%20%7D%20-1%3D0.12986448)
Which we round to 12.99% effective annually.
Finally, notice that I didnt use the payments to find the effective rate, I used the cash flow, that was because you didn´t receive all the 100K (the fee, remember?), you received $98,000.
Best of luck.
In order to find the Coverage of sally's investment in life insurance for 10year can be done by making 10-year table
Year Cashflow Discount factorI5%) Present Value
$ $ $
1 50,000 0.9524 47,620
2 50,000 0.9070 45,350
3 50,000 0.8638 43,190
4 50,000 0.8337 41,135
5 50,000 0.7835 39,175
6 50,000 0.7462 37,310
7 50,000 0.7107 35,535
8 50,000 0.6768 33,840
9 50,000 0.6446 32,230
10 50,000 0.6139 30,695
NPV = Sum of all present values
NPV = $386,080
17,000 * 17,000 * 0.15 = 43,350,000
(Hope this helps...)
Checking for quality fall within MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION AREA while paying creditor fall within FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING AREA.
There are many functional areas in business, each functional area is responsible for performing specific functions.