All this cartoon is saying that in agrarian societies such as these, the economy was primary based on bartering, since the exchange of goods and services was done one a "need by need" basis.
B this is why A The attacksdid not endthe war, and causedmany casualties.*B.The attacksended the war, but killed manycivilians and alarmed the Soviet Union.Correct!
James Madison
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.
This passage we can say is a direct response the critique of indulgences raised by the Protestant reform.
In other words this could be a direct answer to Martin Luther and his 95 thesis, in which the selling of the indulgences, that is the forgiveness of sins in exchange of money, was the main issue. The Church states that the Christ himself gave the right to them to sell the indulgences and that that is the time-honored tradition.
Religious reasons
Most people that came here were because they wanted to escape persecution. Many people were persecuted for their relgious beliefs so they came here.