Morning commuter traffic in cities contributes to<u> photochemical</u> smog. In this type of air pollution, a mixing of <u>hydrocarbons</u> from certain plants, nitrogen oxides from cars, and UV radiation from the sun results in a variety of pollutants, such as ground-level ozone, which can cause coughing and breathing problems.
<em>Photochemical smogs are caused by the photochemical reaction of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides in the lower atmosphere with sunlight playing a major role. The reaction of the hydrocarbon with the nitrogen oxide in the presence of light leads to the evolution of ozone gas while nitrogen oxide has the capacity to react with the sunlight on its own to produce nitrogen dioxide. This result in the formation of smog</em>
RNA is not a double helix
Uracil is on the RNA, this is a picture or DNA. Uracil is just one of the nucleic bases
This is not a monomer; it's actually a polymer
It is DNA because it is a double helix structure held together by the four nucleic bases.
Many farmers in less densely populated area, such as Amazonia, practice slash and burn agriculture, also known as shifting cultivation or swidden agriculture where an area is cleared and then burned for the vegetative remains to release nutrients back into the soil. Shifting cultivation is a system where a farmer uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Advantages of shifting cultivation includes; enhance control of pest and disease, inorganic matter addition which provide nutrient to crop, an effective way of weed control