How to convert binary to decimal ?
It consists of digits from 0 to 9. Binary to decimal conversion can be done in the simplest way by adding the products of each binary digit with its weight (which is of the form - binary digit × 2 raised to a power of the position of the digit) starting from the right-most digit which has a weight of 20.
what is digital and analogue?
In analog technology, a wave is recorded or used in its original form. So, for example, in an analog tape recorder, a signal is taken straight from the microphone and laid onto tape.In digital technology, the analog wave is sampled at some interval, and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device.
The main importance of graphics and images in program development is user experience. These graphics, color schemes, clarity, images etc. all come together to create a user interface that individuals will be able to easily navigate and use with extreme ease in order to benefit from what the program is intended to do. An interface of a class of objects allows every button and object in the program to grab and share functionality in order for the entire program to run smoothly.
Weather can affect sailing because if its raining it can sink it also if theres a storm. Good weather that would be good to sail in is if its a little windy because if its just sunny and not windy it wont move. ps you can copy it if u want idc
It is important because, it has to do operation on so without, data structures and algorithms.
It performs these operation:
1)Take an input
2) Process it
3) Give back the output.
The input can be in any form, for ex while searching for directions on google maps, the starting point and the destination as input to google maps, while logging in to any social sites, We have to give our email and password as input and so on.
Similarly, in the third step, the computer application gives us output in some form or the other.
To make this process efficient, we need to optimize all the three steps.
Rotation of an image
The correct answer is - Rotation of an image
Reason -
When you rotate an object, it moves left or right around an axis and keeps the same face toward you.
When you flip an object, the object turns over, either vertically or horizontally, so that the object is now a mirror image.