Hey this is part of an assignment we cant do you have to im telling your teacher i wont if u pm me though
Problem in Indian agriculture before Green Revolution:
- One of India 's persistent issues since independence was dietary insufficiency. While post-independence grain output rose dramatically, it was not adequate to satisfy the food needs of the increasing population. The lack of grain supply in the face of an growing population had resulted in imported food and a spike in grain prices.
How the Green Revolution help to remove the Indian Agriculture mistake/problem mentioned above:
- This necessitated the Green Movement, which took place largely as a consequence of technical breakthroughs, increased water sources and better farming practices. In addition, the increased industrialization of farming systems and use of crop management practices have also led to the formation of the "Green Revolution".
- As far as the progress of the "Green Revolution" in India is concerned, the increased output of rice and wheat, especially in the northern and northwestern sections of the world, is frequently cited.
<em>Hope this helps.</em>
Unlawful search and seizure, the Supreme Court Ruling found that incriminating materials given to government representatives by private citizens or employees do not have the same rules regarding lawful search and seizure. For example, if someone provides incriminating documents that were procured without a search warrant and that someone is a private citizen, these documents are admissible in court and not subject to the same search and seizure laws as if they were being collected by a police officer.
“For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”