genetics, environment medical history age
Having Parents who are alcoholics
There are a few actions that a person can take to help ensure his or her ability to participate in physical activity throughout life. One is planning, plan and create a schedule to ensure you have time and are available. Another is commitment, once you decide, commit.
But since you now just proved the options, the answer is unlimited exercise, though, this does not mean to over exercise.
Obtain the specimen after a period of abstinence from ejaculation of 2 to 5 days.
The male must ejaculate into a clean container or a plastic sheath that does not contain a spermicide. An ejaculated sample should be obtained after a period of abstinence to get the best results. He should avoid exposing the specimen to extremes of temperature, either heat or cold. The specimen should be taken to the laboratory within 2 hours of ejaculation.
- feeling distressed frequently and not sure why.
- having distress that seems out of proportion to one’s problems.
- considering taking one's life or physically harming oneself.
Mental health is as important as physical health. Every person should take care of mental health like he/she takes care of the physical health. Feeling distressed frequently can lead to depression and even thinking to take one's own life. One should recognize that thinking like these need professional help and one must seek professional help in such matters no matter what the society thinks. One must realize the fact that in order to have a healthy living, having a healthy mindset is very important.