"Farenheit 451" was a popular novel by Bradbury which was published in 1953, which discussed a lot of technological conveniences the world would have in future, which eventually came true. Following is the list of technological conveniences mentioned by Bradbury in his novel, along with the examples from the novel:
1) Parlor Walls (Televisions) : "big walls in each room people and lived inside those wall"
2)Seashell and Thimble Radios (earbuds): "And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind"
3) Ultra Fast Subway (Bullet trains): "The subway fled past him"
4) The self buttering toast (Automated machinary): "Toast popped out of a silver toaster, was seized by a spider metal hand that drenched it with melted butter"
5) The Beetle (Cars): "The beetle was in high thunder. The beetle came skimming. It was upto 120 mph, it was upto 130 mph atleast...."
I think it means that she won't be satisfied until she is with Romeo even though it is wrong and she it supposed to love Paris. The word dead shows her dead dream of being with romeo and her dead heart for not loving Paris, but romeo<span />
B. Downside
Lack of safety was definitely a major downside.
That makes Sense.
If you put the other words in place of the word, they don’t make sense.
The earth is our smallest planet
What are the most effective dog-training techniques? - a blog from an expert dog trainer
Why are dogs especially intelligent animals? - the encyclopedia entry "Canine"
How do scientists measure the intelligence of dogs? - an article from the Journal of Animal Biology
1. Dog-training : dog trainer!
2. Encyclopedias often give reasons on <em>why</em> and what more than anything.
3. Science journals give their methods and reasoning on their projects a lot.