Not too sure about this one but maybe it shows the value of education in Korea.
I do notice how competitive it is to earn a college degree in Korea, students stay up all night studying every single second to score even one point better in their entrance exams, something like SAT in the US, so they can get into the college they want to.
The better college you go to, the better job you get. Now that’s common sense but the value of that is different from the US. There’s the “American Dream” in the US where anyone can become rich if they put their mind to it and luck rolls on, in most Asian countries academic history/resume is what determines their life.
Sorry that was a bit all over the place but hopefully you got something from it
Compunere – Primăvara
Se aud glasurile duioase ale păsărelelor. Își vestesc una alteia bucuria venirii primăverii. Zboară de pe un ram pe altul, căutând-și cuibul. Pomii, stropiți cu flori plăpânde își lasă crengile purtate de adierea blândă a vântului. Razele domoale ale soarelelui mângâie primii muguri ce dau să pocnească și își scot la iveală verdele crud, iar firul ierbii se frânge sub greutatea picăturilor de rouă.
Find and correct mistakes in participle and adverbial sentences. Seeing her son on the road, tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. Opening the window, the scent of lilac burst into the window. Studying the Ural Mountains, geologists have made many interesting finds. URGENTLY................................................
In aceasta balada este vorba despre zece mesteri,unul dintre ei fiind Manole care voia sa ridice-o manastire.Manastirea nu se putea ridica,asa ca intr-un vis,acestuia i se arata ca pan' nu va jertfi prima femeie ce avea sa vina pe acolo pana atunci nu vor izbuti asa ca se arata ziua urmatoare chiar nevastea mesterului Manole care plangand isi zidi sotioara si apoi de suparare cazu de pe schele intr-un rau alcatuit din lacrimile sale.