Because of its northern latitude, Iceland has never-ending days in the summer, when the sun always shines. A sleep mask will help block out the sunlight that never disappears. Answer is D)
cute:) did you come up with that?
They are true and unbiased.
Accurate facts are unbiased. They do not "pick sides" when it comes to a topic. Facts also must be true. It can't be telling false information or stretching the truth; stretching the truth is not being completely honest.
"Dogs are canines." is a fact.
"Dogs are the worst." is NOT a fact. It is an opinion.
I’m not sure where the pic is but ethos is credibility, pathos is emotion and logos as logic
The answer is allegory, since allegory is a rhetorical device that convey hidden meanings through symbolic figures in a literary piece which create the meaning the author wants to portray. It is in a form of story or poem and the meaning could be political or moral, depending on the author's true meaning.