A. The depth of the ocean floor
I think the answer is C) Asia has a variety of natural resources, forests and rivers, use hydroelectric power, and import other things they need.
I searched "why do people live in asia" and some of the articles mention how there are many opportunities for jobs and some talk about how Asia has beautiful scenery.
1. C China, 2. B China, 3. C western bias against them keeps them out of studies
- China became the world's largest producer and exporter of textiles, the largest producer and importer of cotton, and the largest producer and exporter of furniture and toys not until the development of the 20th century. China is the biggest producer and the consumer of the coal. it also emits more of the carbon dioxide than any other country about 30% in the world.
Pacific Ocean formed by the same processes that cause the current geologic activity and Beautiful mountains are the reasons why many people live on the Ring of Fire.
The volcanic islands around the Pacific ocean have formed on the tectonic plates due to various geologic processes. These islands have highly fertile soil and geothermic energy from the underground steam caused due to the volcanic magma can also be harnessed to obtain an economic advantage. There's also an incredible scenery with various volcanic mountains and hot geysers that attract hundreds of tourists from all over the world. This provides various job opportunities in the field of tourism.
Bedrock geologic map illustrating the main geologic regions of Minnesota. Igneous bodies lie across the northern half of the state, with intrusions throughout the northwest and basalts and other igneous rocks of the Duluth Complex and Beaver Bay Complex from the Midcontinent Rift System bordering Lake Superior in the northeast.