The Tower of London
The underlined phrase in the given sentence is <u><em>is older than Westminster Abbey</em></u> The noun phrase that is modified (described) by it is <em>the Tower of London. </em>
A noun phrase is a group of words that contains a noun and functions like one. This means that it can function as the subject, object of a verb, object of a preposition, or a complement within a sentence. The main noun in the given phrase is <em>Tower</em>, and this is why we could say that <em>Tower </em>is the noun modified by the underlined phrase.
The indentation style used on a Works Cited page is called Hanging indent
Sentences C, D, and E all properly transition between tenses. Sentence C properly transitions from a present continuous action to another present tense action. Sentence C properly describes an event in the present based on the past. And sentence E, properly describes a chain of events using the proper tense transitions.
Know you audience and tailor your writing to them. This will help them relate or "see" what you're writing.
If you are telling a story to young children, use simple words and be descriptive and enthusiastic.
If you are writing to impress a college admitter, use complex words and formal diction.
If you are writing for a religious audience, maybe write a sermon0type passage and include religion in your writing.
The correct answer is: A) hold a difficult ballet pose.
Here we are talking about flexibility which refers to the ability to bend easily without hurting oneself. If you are flexible it means that you are able to strech easily. There are various types of streches.
In this case the static steching refers to a position that is held for a period of time, usually between 10 to 30 seconds. Although it is a challenging position it is generally the most confortable type of streching. In ballet, difficult poses are constantly held in the trainings which means they use static streching.
The other options refer to other types of flexibility, like the dynamic in which you move through a range of motion repeatedly, the golf swing can be used here. Or avtive flexibility in which you strech a muscle by activately contracting the muscle in opposition.