The correct answer when you are doing this practice is that you are applying the FIT concepts to make an assignment. Metacognition is when you are actively engaging in cognitive processes and you plan to approach tasks by carefully monitoring and evaluating your progress to complete it.
the Christian belief is against animal experimentation because they believe human beings are stewards of creation; which means in general they are against ill-treatement of animals, keeping them locked up for lab, etc.
Atheists, theologians, believe thats its okay because animals don't feel pain, so they won't suffer. or another belief is that animals deserve to suffer, animal pain helps to educate humans & animals don't have an afterlife
Oligarchy comes from the greek word "oligos" which means " a few" and the word "archos" which means "to Govern", so it is a government system where all the power is gathered by a small group of people, usually richest families in the city or country, it isn´t seen as an open democracy because not only they run the destinities of the country but also develop and create the rules, the law, and manage all the system. Back then we also could find that power in the hands of the oldest men in the country who controlled everything and had a lot of economic power.
<span> you have one more </span>negative<span> number to multiply the result by – which makes it </span>negative<span>. And if you take a </span>negative<span> base, and you raise it to an even </span>power<span>, that's because if you multiply a </span>negative<span> times a </span>negative, you're going to get a positive
<em>Excavation in Catal huyuk led to the recovery of several artefacts. </em>
<em>Catal huyuk is a Neolithic site in south-central Turkey. Excavations were carried out in the site for the first time in 1958 by James Mellart.</em> These excavations gave an idea about the advanced culture of this site. Excavations revealed the typical settlements of the site.
<em>The houses were not seperated but connected in a honeycomb structure. </em>The entry to the houses was by means of holes in the ceilings or doors on the sides of houses. Doors were reached by using ladders.
Symbolic nature of the religions of that time is evident in the paintings on the walls.<em> The rooms were well plastered. The only means of ventilation was the openings in the ceilings. </em>
Skeletons recovered close to the houses and inside them gave ideas about the burial practices in Catal huyuk. The dead were buried within the village according to their rituals. <em>Caly figurines of women were also found in this site. The famous figurine ‘seated woman of catal huyuk’ is one example.</em>