The Relationship Between Force and Acceleration: ... As we increase the force on an object the acceleration increases proportionally. Since the mass does not change as the acceleration increases, we can say that force is equal to acceleration. Therefore, if you double the force you double the acceleration.
Products liability laws
These laws govern the responsibility/liability of any or all the parties that participate in the chain of manufacturing a certain product for the damage caused by that product. The parties involved and, therefore, liable are the manufacturer or producer, the wholesaler and the retailer. If a product has certain defects that have caused damage to the consumer, the abovementioned parties may be subject to products liability suits.
Products liability is usually considered a strict liability offense. If the plaintiff evidences that a certain product is defective, the defendant is liable. It is not taken into account whether the manufacturer or provider of the product had intention to cause damage or not, they shall be liable for the damage caused to the plaintiff.
I was live at Indonesian.
Well the two patterns are when it turns into a caterpillar, and the second would be when it breaks out of the cocoon to turn into a beautiful butterfly