because they were talking about eyes
The World war 1 has been documented as, World War, WWI, the War to End All Wars, and the Great War.
Fran ois Mitterand was a French who was also democratically elected
president. The correct option among all the options provided in the
question is option "a".
He was born 26th of
October 1916 and died on 8th of January in the year 1996. He was
also considered a great French statesman and he remained the longest serving
president of France from the year 1981 to the year 1995. He was also the leader
of the Socialist party of France. In May of 1981 he became the President of
France for the first time.
I and others here don’t have the text in front of us that your question mentions. I’ll simply offer some thoughts.
I do not believe the US was justified in its invasion of Iraq. The claim that Saddam Hussein had large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction turned out to be false. The allegations of that were exaggerated in order to justify gout to war. There was no hard evidence that the weapons existed.
The idea of a pre-emptive strike also was a poor justification for war. The US had never gone to war on that basis before. It put the US in the role of the aggressor nation in the conflict.
A city in Southern India reason