The <span>name given to the British practice of taking americans sailors from their ships and forcing them to serve in the British army was "impressment," since the British were "pressing" the Americans into service. </span>
This question presupposes that Muhammed Ali did in fact bring people together. During his working lifetime, that is, when he was actually boxing, Muhammed Ali was an incredibly controversial figure who many wanted to see lose. His talent led some people to him but he was not a universally beloved figure in his time. In fact, the movie Rocky is seen as a jab (pun intended) at Ali
(D) All of the above
The three most important Gods in Hindus are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Being the creator god, Brahma's name sounds very similar to the divine entity known as Brahman. It is Brahma who brought all things into being. Vishnu is known as the Preserver, the second of the important triad of gods; and Shiva is believed as the Destroyer and Lord of the Dance.
Reincarnation is a major tenet of Hinduism. It is when the soul which is seen as eternal and part of a spiritual realm returns to the physical realm in a new body. It is believed a soul will complete reincarnation many times, learning new things each time and working through karma.
There is little doubt that the widespread use of the automobile, especially after 1920, changed the rural and urban landscapes in America. It is overly simplistic to assume, however, that the automobile was the single driving force in the transformation of the countryside or the modernization of cities. In some ways automobile transport was a crucial agent for change, but in other cases it merely accelerated ongoing changes.
In several respects, the automobile made its impact felt first in rural areas where cars were used for touring and recreation on the weekends as opposed to replacing existing transit that brought people to and from work in urban areas. Some of the earliest paved roads were landscaped parkways along scenic routes. Of course, rural people were not always very pleased when urban drivers rutted unpaved roads, kicked up dust, and generally frightened or even injured livestock. Yet, cars potentially could help confront rural problems—isolation, the high cost of transporting farm products, and the labor of farm work. Although farmers may have resisted the automobile at first, by the 1920s per capita automobile ownership favored the rural family. Adoption was uneven in rural areas, however, depending on income, availability of cars, the continuing reliance on horses, and other factors. Automobile manufacturers did not lose sight of this market and courted potential customers with advertisements touting that cars were “Built for Country Roads” or promoting vehicles that would lead to “The Passing of the Horse.”