Several countries such as Portugal and Germany, etc. had colonies in the past, but France and the United Kingdom possessed the m
ost colonies in 1914. It is believed that more developed economies with high GNI per capita have achieved their wealth partly through colonialization and in post-colonial era, through neocolonial relations. One such indication of neocolonial influence is aid dependency.True / False.
Explanation: True. Because the practice of neocolonialism is that the more developed economies try to exert influence in developing countries through economic aid indirectly, creating a state of dependence for their economic, social, political and cultural conditions. Circumstance that is taken advantage of by those powers that see in this new system of colonialism the opportunity to achieve more wealth and to subjugate the countries over which they exert such influence to obtain their own benefit.
La Guerra Chichimeca se llevó a cabo principalmente en los actuales estados de Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Jalisco y San Luis Potosí entre los indígenas zacatecos y guachichiles contra los españoles y sus aliados indígenas.
The preaching of Islam started over some 1400 years ago in the region of Saudi Arabia, as at first there were very less number of believers but it then drastically decreased due to the reason that people were convinced that its a more complete religion as compared the other two Ibrahimic religions(i.e Christianity and Judaism).As the preaching of Islam had most of its clauses related to that of the other two and that is the reason more and more people were convinced to follow up on the idea.
Along, with that there were exploration done by the Muslims across the regions, and they were able to assemble even an army for fighting battles with any oppressor inside these lands.So, along with this there were many influential people who accepted the religion and made it more easy to spread across the region.
As, the teaching of Islam influenced the art, culture and languages across the globe. So, generations after generation studied the Holy Book Quran, translations were made and the message was spread across billions of people across the generations.
And such an idea is termed to be as the historical continuity.