The native Americans already had the first 3 items. The British brought horses to the new world and the native Americans used them a good bit Civil War and after.
Follows are the solution to the given question:
In order to control the amount of pollution already sunk into the lakes and streams of the City Council intends to establish a new wastewater treatment plant. Those that are planning to build a new treatment facility in the suburbs of the city by removing a wide area on the forest owing to the heat island effect, mitigating the heat and slightly higher local temperatures.
Increased awareness of the importance of designated drivers.
This was brought to law by the government in curbing the incidents of drunk driving fatalities. The importance of designated driver involves the person who is meant to drive him or others must be free from alcohol intake and being responsible for the safety of himself and others in the car. Punishments are usually meted out to those who flout this rule.
The Increased awareness of the importance of designated drivers has ensured that Drunk-driving fatalities have actually declined in recent years.
This would explain a similarity between the two individuals. They share a similar outlook politically as well as their future hopes