Inferiority complex is the lack of the self-esteem which is felt by an individual in himself/herself. It is the feeling of uncertainty or doubt upon own capabilities and the feeling of failure and not measuring and reaching up to the standard set by the society.
<u>Hence, Evan's father chastising Evan about his marks is leading a inferiority in Evan own self-esteem.</u>
The correct answer is C) Free Trade.
<em>Compared to protectionism an opposing goal of economic foreign policy is free trade.
Free trade is the opposite of protectionism. Free trade welcomes the exchange of products and services among countries, eliminating or reducing the imports and exports tariffs, and eliminating special tariffs to the products.
The best example of Free Trade in the world is the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the United States. This free trade agreement has helped the three countries to create more jobs and to improve their economies.
a. fraudulent misrepresentation.
Sophie can sue Henry for fraudulent misrepresentation because the seller made a false statement by saying the bird was not on the endangered species list while aware that it was not true; inducing Sophie to buy the bird and consequently suffer a loss.
The answer is: a Human Resource Inventory.
A human resource inventory, which is also called a skills inventory, is much more than just listing down the names of the employees and contact information. It also includes information needed to identify the qualifications of the personel, therefore it contains, amongst other things, education, skills, job experience, etc.
Organizations use this listing for HHRR planning, also, this inventory is usefull when there are job oppenings in the firm, the listing helps identify potential candidates whithin the firm.