The first major labor union was founded in 1866 by William Sylvis. It was called the National Labor Union (NLU).
It was the first national federation in the United States but it did not last. It dissolved in 1873. However, it paved the way for other labor unions and organizations.
Tobacco was the most valuable cash crop produced in the 1700s until the invention of the cotton gin. Large quantities of it was produced rapidly.
The answer is B) Madison acted correctly.
La Reforma Protestante fue un “movimiento religioso”, que tuvo sus inicios en la Alemania del siglo XVI. Buscaba protestar en contra de las malas prácticas y los abusos que se venían presentando al interior de las iglesias católicas. Los principales reformadores fueron Martín Lutero y Juan Calvino.
Pedro Álvares Cabral
O Brasil foi oficialmente "descoberto" em 1500, quando uma frota comandada pelo diplomata português Pedro Álvares Cabral, a caminho da Índia, desembarcou em Porto Seguro, entre Salvador e Rio de Janeiro. (Há, no entanto, fortes evidências de que outros aventureiros portugueses o precederam.
I hope this helps