Se interpreta esta frase como un saludo de advertencia a la monarquia que apoyaba al sistema y un rechazo total al gobierno. considerando no al jefe de estado si no a todos los colaboradores del mismo como ministros los cuales formaban el aparato burocratico.
Por otra parte al estar las jefaturas de estado divididas por las malas politicas y erradas el rey no corre ningun peligro porque no se le atribuye esta mala gestion.
I think it's because the earth is constantly rotating which makes the sun be I a different direction all the time,it's just like what happens to seasons.
I hope this helps
Every other choice has the money but chooses to save it. JoEllen does not have the money and does not have the option to save it.
No, because the maximum sentence for each offense was six months.
I agree. The government does play a very large role in our lives. But the government also protects us in many forms as well as hurting us. We have our basic rights through the constitution. But , we also have people who are wrongfully imprisoned as well as people who have been cheated by the government. There is a “loop hole” for every right we are guaranteed.