B) no
Los aficionados NO aplauden cuando su equipo pierde.
Fans do NOT cheer when their team loses.
<u>Corrected</u> the sentence would be:
- Los aficionados <u>sufren</u> cuando su equipo pierde.
<h3 /><h3><em><u>MissSpanish</u></em><em><u> </u></em></h3>
1. I'm 14 years old. And Maria?
2. You're 12 years old. And the boys?
3. Mom is 40 years old. And dad?
4. You're 15 years old. And our friend?
1. La dueña me lo recomienda.
2. Voy a preparártela.
3. Estamos pidiéndolas
4. Te los puedo traer ahora.
5. Van a servírnoslos después.
6. Si, voy a mostrársela ahora.
7. No, no se las serví.
8. No, no voy a leérselo.
9. Si, te la recomiendo.
10. Se las voy a preparar en una hora.
The indirect object or indirect complement is a syntactic constituent governed by a transitive verb, generally not obligatory, whose semantic interpretation or designated referent is a receiver, benefactor or goal of the action expressed by the verb.
The indirect object is the person or object on which the action of the verb falls indirectly, it is also said that it receives the benefit or damage of the action of the verb. It is a predicate modifier. The indirect object can be presented in a sentence like the pronouns “le” or “les”.
It's left,straight,right,straight,left,left