I don't know because I am db
The use of sound in both poems is very different in the first hand in the poem mother to son: is composed of free narrative verse, with repetition and consonance, while the poem the village of the blacksmith contains: onomatopoeia rhyming, repetition, alliteration, and meter.
The reasons behind this answer are that in the first place the poem of "Mother to Son" is a poem with a strong focus in the sound of letter "o" as well as in the middle part of the sentence. Focusing on the internal and end rhymes. In the second place the poem of "village blacksmith" is a poem with free verse, meaning that there is not a strict sound or rhythm. With a strong focus on repetition and consonances because the sound of "d" "s" and "n" is very strong in it.
The cultural and social separation between the narrator and the Cabuliwallah best revealed through the description of the narrator's occupation and that of the Cabuliwallah.
The "Kabuliwala" written in 1957 by the renowned poet and the patriotist Rabindranath Tagore best explains the human relationships and the effect it had on people during the various phases of time. Rahmat, the Kabuliwala, is a fruit vendor who visits Calcutta to sell his products and thereby he befriends a girl called Mini.
The cultural and the social separation between the narrator and Rahmat was best revealed through their professions where Rahmat is a Vendor who travelled across cities to earn some profit whereas the narrator is a writer. Rahmat wears sturdy loose robes and a high turban which makes Mini to think that he is someone who kidnaps babies for fun. Mini's initial thought is indeed not great. This shows that the girl is not familiar with these kind of people which clearly explains the social separation which existed in their society. The description of the narrator at the start of the story also explains their cultural separation.