The major development that contributed to the legislation of the new deal in 1930's was as result GREAT DEPRESSION
The new deal between 1933 -1939 were series of measures put in place by president Roosevelt relating how to bring about relief and recovery of the American economy from the great depression that has bedeviled the country economy . The depression brought about job losses and even the stock market crashed during this period
Some of the programs that was initiated to bring back prosperity to Americans include the CCC (civil works administration), FSA (farm security administration), WPA(work progress administration), SSA(social security administration)and all other programs.
United States enters World War I.
World War I ends.
Congress ratifies the Eighteenth Amendment.
General public begins to oppose the Eighteenth Amendment.
On January 16, 1919, the United States ratified the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution was introduced, introducing Prohibition. Prohibition was a confrontation between conservative Protestants and catholics who did not see sin in drinking. Society was stratified into “dry” and “wet,” social contradictions intensified to the highest point. The long-term period without alcohol is widely covered in American culture, which saw in dry law one of the main symbols of the era. Back in 1914, 12 states introduced a prohibition on the production of alcohol on its territory. At the same time, President Woodrow Wilson spoke out against any restrictions, vetoing anti-alcohol laws.
the answer is b the columbian exchange
Flocking to the U.S for jobs, opportunities, and to have a position in the new economy.
The Refugees Act 130 of 1998, which came into force in 2000, As detailed by Human Rights Watch in its 1998 report Prohibited. on the very people they may be accusing to grant them legal status to remain in the country