As Eqypt established trade with Kush, the two areas began to develop a close partnership, in which they relied on one another for goods and shared ideas. The Kush people were the only elephant exporting people besides the Indians, and history tells that the Kush presented Egyptians with gold, ostriches, feathers, exotic products and many other gifts.
This is False. The federal government does not allow citizens to decide how public money is used.
When citizens have this power it is called Real budget democracy. Now the budget is decided by the Congress passing through many stages. First the Departments and agencies bring on proposals to the White House for the creation of the President's budget, then the House of representatives and Senate make their resolutions and a final budget is created that must be approved for the next fiscal year, that is voted, passed and signed as law.
Answer: As a result an informal norm has become a law.
Even before states had started making it illegal for people to drive while using cell phones, grouping of individuals had already stood against this practice. Thus, we can say that the social movement started at the beginning of the 21st century was what actually made this law come true.