Felix is conducting research about the impact of Muhammad Ali on the intersection of social justice and sports. His sources to s
upport his claim that Ali’s use of his sports platform to speak out for social justice had a positive and powerful effect. Felix has collected 15 sources. Based on his notes, all the sources explore and support athletes who use their platforms to highlight social injustice, speak positively of Ali’s social justice work, and reveal the positives of using sports to raise awareness. What type of bias is Felix demonstrating? Explain your reasoning in a few sentences.
If all the sources Felix has collected support his claim, it means that he has ignored any accounts that might contradict his claim.
Confirmation bias refers to the inclination to only consider the information that supports the claim one wants to defend while avoiding the information that could invalidate it.
To ensure his research is not biased, Felix should acknowledge sources that contradict his claim.
A topic sentence comes at the beginning of each paragraph and tells what that specific paragraph will be about. A thesis statement usually comes at the end of the first paragraph in an essay and tells what the rest of the paper will be about.