Wang Mang hoped to gather support from the peasantry be introducing reforms. Wang Mang announced the discovery of books written by Confucius, which were supposedly discovered after Confucius’ house, was destroyed more than two hundred years ago. The discovered work supported the same kind of reform that Wang Mang sought.
Wang Mang defended his policies by quoting from the discovered books. Following what was portrayed as Confucian scripture; he decreed a return to the golden times when every man had his measure of land to till, land that in principle belonged to the state. He declared that a family of less than eight that had more than fifteen acres was obligated to distribute the excess amount of land to those who had none.
Population growth in the land, especially in urban population was in part due to industrialization of the nation. The increasing factory businesses created many more job opportunities in cities and people began to flock from rural, farm areas to large urban locations. Minorities and immigrants added to these numbers.
In 1870, there only two American cities with a population of more than 500,000, but by 1900, there were six. Three of these namely Philadelphia, Chicago and New York had over 1 million inhabitants.
The Indus Valley civilians used granaries for c. storing food
The bible is a collection of writings. the first parts dating back 3500 years. Hope this helps :)