Here you go, Change it however you'd like :)
import random as r
def play_round(p1, p2):
cards = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"J","Q","K","A"]
play1 = r.choice(cards)
play2 = r.choice(cards)
while play1 == play2:
play1 = r.choice(cards)
play2 = r.choice(cards)
if cards.index(play1) > cards.index(play2):
return f"{p1}'s Card: {play1}\n{p2}'s Card: {play2}\nThe Winner is {p1}"
return f"{p1}'s Card: {play1}\n{p2}'s Card: {play2}\nThe Winner is {p2}"
Well it depends if your thinking! I know many reasons why people should get married but I also know many reasons why people shouldn’t get married!
For an example if you are a man and you don’t want to get married, well I think it’s 50% wrong and another 50% right cause if you want to enjoy life and not be stuck with the same wife you wouldn’t get married, but now think of having a family when you get married you receive a blessing, cause you will have son , daughters and a wife who will support you all the time!
Jim is the main antagonist while Edward is the main protagonist of the movie.
Thank you
That made my day. I will make sure to pass it on.
// function with memory leak
void func_to_show_mem_leak() {
int *pointer;
pointer = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
*(pointer+3) = 99;}
// driver code
int main()
// Call the function
// to get the memory leak
return 0; }
Memory leakage occurs when programmers allocates memory by using new keyword and forgets to deallocate the memory by using delete() function or delete[] operator. One of the most memory leakage occurs by using wrong delete operator.
The delete operator should be used to free a single allocated memory space, whereas the delete [] operator should be used to free an array of data values.