I will list tools you can use
Regular a flip book with a pen and lots of paper sheets
I prefer twelve frames per second
and more tools
And search up on your main brower for lots of more info hoped this prepped you up a bit!
WWW is used to browse for view the webpage basically content is normally displayed as HTML pages.
In any browser's webpage irrespective of language been used output content display as HTML pages only.
- In other methods is used XML format where it is opened and closed tag for every word editing XML file is very useful.
- XML tools are ready is available where end-user can edit or create by for example notepad++ extra
- It is a language designed to store the data in a specific format and easily process and used by a coding language or web pages.
Editing, saving, printing, copying and pasting
To check if there's still connectivity between the computer and server, I would use the ping command.
The ping command is primarily a TCP/IP command. What this command does is to troubleshoot shoot. It troubleshoots connection and reachability. This command also does the work of testing the name of the computer and also its IP address.
The answer to this is C I-beam