Because of interacting with technology, digital natives “think and process information fundamentally differently” (Prensky) to digital immigrants. ... Children raised with the computer think differently. They develop hypertext minds. There is a need for education to change in order to create better generation expectations.
Farmers markets/ organic produce stores
I would say feelings of worthlessness. You can't really see it on their body, but they can tell you if they choose to, so that makes it hidden in my opinion.
I hope that helps!
Some specific types of mental health problems are notably more common in people with learning disabilities than in other people, including schizophrenia (Cooper et al., 2007c; Turner, 1989), bipolar disorder (Cooper et al., 2007b), dementia (Cooper, 1997a; Strydom, 2007), ADHD (Emerson & Hatton, 2007), and pica.