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At that time, plate tectonic movements shoved all of the continents into one big super continent. After that time, plate movements started to break up this super continent until the continents eventually reached their present configuration.
The organs of the urinary system include the kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The function of the urinary system is to filter blood and thus produce urine as a waste by-product. The body absorbs nutrients from food and converts them into energy. After the body has gained the required food nutrients, certain waste by-products remain in the bowel as well as in the blood.
The urinary system assists the body in eliminating liquid waste called urea with the help of kidneys, and also maintains fluid balance i.e. water and mineral (like sodium, potassium) balance.
Urea is transported to the kidneys via the bloodstream. It is finally removed together with water and certain other wastes in the form of urine.
To learn more about kidneys here
It is stored as triglycerides.
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