mexican restraunts
in the u.s.a mexacan food is popular between people. this is an exaple of caltural diffusion
thanks Same to you for wish
A. Augent - Active Indicative Present - They Increase
B. Augentur - Passive Indicative Present - They are expanded
C. Augebant - Active Indicative Imperfect - They used to increment
D. Augebantur - Passive Indicative Imperfect - They were expanded
E. Augebunt - Active Indicative Future - They will increment
F. Augebuntur - Passive Indicative Future - They will be expanded
G. Aucti sunt - Passive Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have been expanded
H. Auxerunt - Active Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have expanded
I. Auctae erant - Passive Indicative Feminine Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had been expanded
J. Auxerant - Active Indicative Future Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had expanded
K. Auctae erunt - Passive Indicative Feminine Future Perfect - They will have been expanded
L. Auxerint - Active Indicative Future Perfect - They will have expanded
I think that the answer is no.1
1) Don’t join the team unless you are willing to work hard, run hard, and play hard.
4) I won’t go home until I’ve finished all my work.
5) Julio finished the box of crackers; therefore, there was nothing left for his brother.
6) No one is at the midwinter dance because everyone went to a concert.