hearing the song of those bees in the hive on that tree in his garden.
He leans on Montresor's arm as they walk is the correct answer.
The Cask of Amontillado is a short story written by American poet and author Edgar Allan Poe. It tells the story of Montresor and Fortunato and revenge among them. It is narrated from Montresor's point of view and he is also the narrator.
In the text, we can see how Montresor literally mentions how "Fortunato possessed himself of my arm" when they were going to the vaults, even though Fortunato's disease and the conditions in the vaults.
Onomatopoeia - is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the sound that it describes
These gift bags are for: Mrs. Hernandez, Mr. Rollins, and Miss Crane.
A colon NEVER comes after a fragment, only after a complete clause.