We are living social group. different kind of society and people
Yes individual Is the basic unit of society. Individuals can play a very important role In the development of the society. If every individual in the society are united together then only it can form a society. So individual is the basic unit of society.
Collective efficacy.
Cohesive communities with high levels of social control and social integration and where people develop interpersonal ties are also likely to develop <em>collective efficacy</em>. Collective efficacy is the capacity of a community to control the behavior of individuals and group that belong to the community. In these cohesive communities, members monitor children's behavior when in public spaces. They also prevent adolescents from hanging on street corners. The community creates a controlled and safe environment where criminal deeds are less likely to occur.
Community psychology is beyond an individual focus and integrates social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and international influence to promote positive change at individual and systematic levels.
People love freedom, they hate the lack of things they can do with it.