The CIA participated in the Cold War by carrying out secret operations in other countries.
Further Explanation:
The Cold War was a battle of ideologies between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II. The competition between these two countries was intense, as both fought to be the most powerful and influential countries in the world. Both countries tried to constantly undermine the power of the other.
For example, the CIA tried to perform secret operations in order to overthrow communist leaders in foreign countries. An example of this would be the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The Bay of Pigs was supposed to be a successful invasion by 1,000 CIA trained Cuban exiles who would invade Cuba and overthrow the communist rule of Fidel Castro. However, Castro and the Cuban government learned about this attack before it happened. Within 24 hours of invading, the Bay of Pigs Invasion failed. This would not be the last time that the CIA tried to affect another country's political situation.
Operation Mongoose was a secret CIA plan that tried several times to assassinate Fidel Castro in order to get him out of power in Cuba.
Learn More:
Explanation of political philosophies of the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War-
Key Details:
Topics: American History, Cold War
Grade Level: 7-12
Keywords: Cold War, CIA, secret operations, Bay of Pigs Invasion