When odysseus first wakes up in ithaca, he thinks that the phaecians fooled him, placed him on the wrong island, and stole some of his treasure. he curses them because of this. odysseus believed he was placed on the wrong island because athena made ithaca look different so he wouldn't recognize it.
Rose asks Troy why he will not let Cory play football when Cory is trying to follow in his father's footsteps. Troy explains that when Cory was born, he decided he would not allow Cory to pursue sports in order to spare Cory from a fate like his own.
b. would most likely be your answer.
If you look at a map of the Nile, you'll see it has a bunch of tributaries (Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert and Lake Tana) but those aren't where it ends, that's where it begins. The Nile River flows north because of the elevation, and it ends up in the Mediterranean Sea.<span />
Answer:it means to be nice to someone